Linux防健忘日誌No.59-LPIC LEVEL-1_101-102筆記&102考試難題














一個是LPI 101的筆記檔,裡面都是重點,幾乎70%覆蓋率(但之前沒想到筆記要整理好,所以排版凌亂…)

另外是LPI 102的筆記擋,我考LPI 102的時候比較偏向狂讀題庫,這是不良示範,不過我已經有蠻深厚的LINUX基礎所以可以這樣搞…(這也是我前前後後只花了不到4個月就考到這張的原因)

所以筆記比較偏向較難較冷門的題目,我是搭配TestKing 107-102 第29版的題庫看的,題庫的PDF我不方便放在這裡,請自行去GOOGLE












Anyway, 我考證照是好玩為了證明有能力的…希望大家也是這樣去考














You are printing a file via lpr. Which parameter do you use to add a title page?


lpr -T



Writing a shellscript you want to check if the file foobar exists and is

owned by the user who runs the script. Which of

the following test commands will check this?

test -O foobar


Your network has a network address of What is your

broadcast address?


You want to read the default route of a linux box. What commands can you


route -n


netstat -r


What is CHAP ?

a method to authenticate a ppp client


What files are used by tcp-wrappers?

/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny


How can you assign the result of the calculation 5 + 4 to the enviroment

variable SUM in the bash shell?

let SUM=5+4


Writing a shellscript you want to check if the file foobar exists and is

writable by the user who runs the script. Which of

the following test commands will check this?

test -e foobar


Which criteria can be used in the logrotate configuration file to determine

when a logfile should be rotated?

daily rotating

weekly rotating

monthly rotating


What program can be used to restore a backup made by dump?



You get the IP-address from your ISP. What is your

network address in dotted quad?


You want to install apache as your webserver. But you are not happy with the

default setting for the directory where the HTML files are stored. What

directive in the configuration file can you use to change this setting?



What command will you use to submit a printjob to a remote printer on a

windows machine?



You noticed that at particular times every day the system load is very high.

You assume there are cronjobs, scheduled by users, which are the reason.

What command can you use to verify your suspicion?

crontab -u username -l


What is the meaning of backup level 0 with dump

This is a full backup


Which service works usually on port 139 ?




Yoe define an alias in your shell. If you open another shell by typing bash,

what happens to the alias?

Aliases are never exported, you have to define it again or define it in a file which is read by the no-login shell


Which shell do you use for a POP3 only account on your system?



How can you describe the following command?

tail -f /var/log/messages

It displays every new line of the file /var/log/messages while this file is growing


What is the name of the configuration file of the ssh daemon?



You want to print text files with a postscript printer. Which of the

following programs can you use to convert textfiles to postscript?




What does the following line in /etc/fstab mean?


  foo:/bar  /foobar  nfs  defaults  0  0



If the file /etc/nologin exists, no user can login into your system. But

what happens with already logged in users if you create this file?



What is the meaning of the MANPATH variable?

It stores a list of all directories which contain manpages.


You’ve defined an enviroment variable FOO with the content “bar” and now you

want to start a new shell typing “bash”. What of the following is neccesary

to ensure, that the variable FOO has its content “bar” also in the new


You have to type the command “export FOO” before you start the new shell.


The group foo should get an own administrator, so that you as the root user

are not forced to add the new group members. The group administrator is the

user bar, who already is member of foo. He should be able to add and remove

group members. What command can you use for that purpose?

gpasswd -A bar foo


What format uses the file /etc/passwd ?



The file /etc/syslog.conf contains the following line:

*.=crit                    /var/log/warn

What is the result of this setting?

All messages of all facilities with priority “crit” are written into the file /var/log/warn


What is the main configuration file of a BIND8 nameserver?

(just the name without path)

Type the answer.



After installing a new package which contains manpages, the man command does

not find the new pages. What is most likely the reason?

The MANPATH variable isn’t set


Which service works usually on port 161 ?



You get the IP-address from your ISP. What are

valid host addresse in your network?


IPv4 32 bits, /29 表示 Submask 從左至右有29 “1”, 不過題目是問你, 同網段的有效IP”, 你想想, 29 1, 還剩幾個 “0” ?

3 191″0″ 對吧, 也就代表 2^3 =8 為一個網段間距, ISP 給你 168 這段, 這段的範圍從 ; 其中 168 175要扣除,

所以只有 169~174 這些是有效 IP” …


/29 CIDR Notation

/ Classful Notation


What are legal actions used by the -j flag of ipchains?



You get an error message, concerning the USB, every time you boot your system.

Your system works perfectly exept USB. Now you want to get information from

a Linux guru named [email protected]. He asks you to send him the boot

messages via email. How could you send him the necessary

boot-information of your system?

dmesg | mail [email protected]或者

mail [email protected] < /var/log/dmesg


What actions can be configured in the logrotate configuration file?


Mail old logs to a given address before deleting them

Compress rotated logfiles

Keep an amount of old messages in the newly generated logfile

Move rotated logs to a different location

Send a mail to root after every rotating







What is the valid entry in /etc/ to declare as

our smarthost?


What is the command to built a new manpage index database?



Which files in the users home directory are read by a login shell (bash)?





User Bob Foo has the username “bob”. But our company has a new employee

named Bob Bar. So we decide to give them usernames of bobf and bobb. What

command is used to change bobs old username “bob” to “bobf”?

usermod -u bobf bob


Your company has a backup plan which consists in three levels. Once a month

a full backup is made (level 0), once a week a incremental backup is made

(level 1) and every evening an other incremental backup is made (level 2).

After a headcrash of your harddisk, in which order will you restore the

three Backups?

level 0, then level 1, then level 2



You have to add some additional kernel parameters for a scsi hostadapter

which is hardcoded into the kernel. Where can you enter the parameters so

that the kernel knows them during boot?

in the file /etc/lilo.conf using the append=… directive

at the boot prompt


You have just loaded a new version of the kernel source and installed it

into /usr/src/kernelnew. In /usr/src/kernelold are the

sources of your old kernel. Before configuring the new kernel you want to get as much

configuration information as possible from the old kernel to the new one.

What file will you copy from kernelold to kernelnew to archieve this?

Choose the best answer.



You want to change the default runlevel of your system, so that the

X-Display Manager is startet after booting. Which file do you have to edit?



Which command is used to remove spooled print jobs? (Enter just the command,

no path and options)



Which statement about the following line is true?

[ -x /usr/sbin/daemon ] && /usr/sbin/daemon

This isn’t a valid command


What file stores the complete Samba configuration (just the filename, no




What is the result of the following command?

init S

The system switches to single user mode.


You want to fetch the current time via NTP from But

if you call “ntpdate” you get the message

“ntpdate[3209]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting” – what is most likely the


a ntpd is running on the local computer


Which service works usually on port 119 ?



How can you mount a NFS share?

use mount hostname:/absolute/path target


What is the difference between cron and anacron?

cronjobs get lost if the computer isn’t running at the given time, anacron jobs don’t get lost.


What option do you need in your ppp options file to ensure, that a

connection is automatically restored after it was broken?

persist ??


Neither your /etc/hosts allow nor your /etc/hosts.deny file has an entry for

the service ftp. (There are no wildcards used either) What statement is right?


How can you assign the content of the enviroment variable PATH to the

enviroment variable MYPATH in the bash shell?



You want all messages from the kernel with a priority of “warn” or higher

to be displayed on your 10th virtual terminal. What line in /etc/syslog.conf

guarantees this?

kernel.warn       /dev/tty10


You want to send a printjob through a filter before it is send to the

printer. What is the necessary entry in the printcap file?



You created a new user bob, using the command “useradd bob”. After that you

gave bob an empty password, using “passwd bob”. Finaly you created bobs home

directory using “mkdir /home/bob”. But now bob calls and tells

you, he can’t log in. What is the reason?

the password of a new user may not be empty

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  1. 101筆記還可以提供嗎?

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